
Mushrooms, Cordyceps, Powder, 4:1 Extract, Organic- Hongo Cordyceps, Polvo, 4"1 Extract Organico

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The Cordyceps mushroom gained fame when Chinese Olympic athletes in 1992 credited their successes to taking the mushroom. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps fungus is touted as an effective herb for supporting healthy circulation, respiration and supporting a healthy immune system response. Due to its ability to possibly support healthy energy and stamina levels, it has also been classified as a general health tonic. Cordyceps may support healthy glandular and lung function which may lead to a healthy allergy and immune system response. It is traditionally used by people who feel short of breath, achy; or depressed from overwork, pollution and bad dietary habits.

In traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps is used for the kidney and lungs meridians. Cordyceps also increases levels of natural antioxidants and are spoken about in old Chinese texts to possibly promote longevity. This fungus also may also support healthy ATP production in human cell's which could possibly increase energy levels in those who take it. It is especially good for people who are involved in athletics or enjoy vigorous sports and activities. Athletes who used Cordyceps in their training programs surprised everyone, including sports authorities, when they broke the 10,000-meter world track record in 1993 and shattered dozens of world records in just one year.

Cordyceps are traditionally known to support healthy "stamina" levels. In traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps are known for their yin and yang capacity and strong yang tonic that may reinforce the kidney channel. Many studies and investigations have been conducted that display the results of cordyceps and their ability to possibly support overall male health.

Cordyceps have also displayed an ability to support cardiovascular health via a capacity to support healthy lipid levels. This action may support healthy circulation in turn supporting a healthy brain and heart. There have been clinical trials and investigations that show people who suffer from heart health issues may be able to amazingly rebound and begin progressive healing while taking cordyceps along with their physician prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Your kidneys have been referred to as "the root of life" in TCM and cordyceps have been utilized to possibly support healthy kidney function. Recent medical research has verified that cordyceps are supportive to the kidneys while they may aid in improving their operational capability. Kidney recipient patients have taken cordyceps and found them very effective at aiding in healing processes.

There is one caveat when using Cordyceps for kidney support; you should only do so under the guidance of a medical professional.

Cordyceps have traditionally been a way of making the body stronger and building up its constitution. Cordyceps may possibly support the development of healthy immune cells within your system. They may possibly act as an extraordinary immunity regulator since they will support the production of the underachieving immunity cells and calm the overactive types. In China, researchers have been investigating the ability of cordyceps to restrain cancer cells. This research has not yet been verified by the FDA.

Some possible traditional uses of our Cordyceps Mushroom Extract Powder may include:

  • May support oxygen absorption by up to 40%
  • May support healthy blood circulation
  • May support a healthy nervous system response during times of high stress
  • May support healthy lipid levels
  • May support a healthy immune system response
  • Supports healthy stamina & endurance levels
  • Increasing the activity level of superoxide dismutase or SOD
  • May aid the body's ability to fight infections
  • May support cardiovascular health
  • May support lung health
  • Supports healthy sleep habits
  • May aid healthy joints & cartilage
  • High concentrations of polysaccharides
  • May provide adrenal support
  • May support ATP production
  • May aid healthy kidney function

Constituents of Cordyceps include:

  • Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium
  • Vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin K
  • Amino Acids: Cysteic Acid, Aspartic Acid, Methionine, Threonine, Serine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Lysine, Histidine, Arginine
  • Fatty Acids: Palmitic Acid, Palmitoleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Linolenic Acid
  • Phytochemicals: Nucleosides, Cordycepin, Adenosine, Polysaccharides, Exopolysaccharide Fraction, Acid Polysaccharide, CPS-1, CPS-2, Sterols
  • Nucleobases: Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine, Adenine, Guanine, Hypoxanthine,
  • Nucleotides: Uridine-5-Monophosphate, Adenosine-5-Monophosphate, Guanosine-5-Monophosphate
  • Peptides: Cordymin, Cordycedipeptide A, Cordyceamides A & B

This product is 100% natural and minimally processed. Taste, smell, texture, and color may vary from batch to batch.

Typical smell and flavor profile: Cordyceps mushroom extract powder has a similar smell and taste to raw cacao powder. Keep in mind the smell and taste of the extract is much different from that of the whole cordyceps mushroom powder (non-extract) which has a mild nutty flavor, with a hint of earthiness.

Common appearance and texture: Medium brown color and texture similar to raw cacao powder. Please note the extract has a darker color than that of the non-extract which is more of a light tan color.

Suggested Use: Take 1 teaspoon twice daily. Sprinkle on entrees, soups, salads or add to smoothies or teas.

Mixing Suggestion: To increase flavor and nutritional profile combine with our cacao powder. Or mix with astragalus root, fo-ti root, and lucuma powder.  

Botanical Name: Cordyceps Sinensis.

Common Names: Deer Fungus, Semitake, JinShuBao, Caterpillar Fungus, Dong Chong Xia Cao Tochukas, Chongcao, Deer Fungus Parasite, club head, yartsa gunbu, winter worm, summer grass.

Parts Used: Cordyceps mushroom mycelia.

Ingredients: Cordyceps Mushroom Extract.



The Cordyceps mushroom gained fame when Chinese Olympic athletes in 1992 credited their successes to taking the mushroom. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps fungus is touted as an effective herb for supporting healthy circulation, respiration and supporting a healthy immune system response. Due to its ability to possibly support healthy energy and stamina levels, it has also been classified as a general health tonic. Cordyceps may support healthy glandular and lung function which may lead to a healthy allergy and immune system response. It is traditionally used by people who feel short of breath, achy; or depressed from overwork, pollution and bad dietary habits.

In traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps is used for the kidney and lungs meridians. Cordyceps also increases levels of natural antioxidants and are spoken about in old Chinese texts to possibly promote longevity. This fungus also may also support healthy ATP production in human cell's which could possibly increase energy levels in those who take it. It is especially good for people who are involved in athletics or enjoy vigorous sports and activities. Athletes who used Cordyceps in their training programs surprised everyone, including sports authorities, when they broke the 10,000-meter world track record in 1993 and shattered dozens of world records in just one year.

Cordyceps are traditionally known to support healthy "stamina" levels. In traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps are known for their yin and yang capacity and strong yang tonic that may reinforce the kidney channel. Many studies and investigations have been conducted that display the results of cordyceps and their ability to possibly support overall male health.

Cordyceps have also displayed an ability to support cardiovascular health via a capacity to support healthy lipid levels. This action may support healthy circulation in turn supporting a healthy brain and heart. There have been clinical trials and investigations that show people who suffer from heart health issues may be able to amazingly rebound and begin progressive healing while taking cordyceps along with their physician prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Your kidneys have been referred to as "the root of life" in TCM and cordyceps have been utilized to possibly support healthy kidney function. Recent medical research has verified that cordyceps are supportive to the kidneys while they may aid in improving their operational capability. Kidney recipient patients have taken cordyceps and found them very effective at aiding in healing processes.

There is one caveat when using Cordyceps for kidney support; you should only do so under the guidance of a medical professional.

Cordyceps have traditionally been a way of making the body stronger and building up its constitution. Cordyceps may possibly support the development of healthy immune cells within your system. They may possibly act as an extraordinary immunity regulator since they will support the production of the underachieving immunity cells and calm the overactive types. In China, researchers have been investigating the ability of cordyceps to restrain cancer cells. This research has not yet been verified by the FDA.

Some possible traditional uses of our Cordyceps Mushroom Extract Powder may include:

  • May support oxygen absorption by up to 40%
  • May support healthy blood circulation
  • May support a healthy nervous system response during times of high stress
  • May support healthy lipid levels
  • May support a healthy immune system response
  • Supports healthy stamina & endurance levels
  • Increasing the activity level of superoxide dismutase or SOD
  • May aid the body's ability to fight infections
  • May support cardiovascular health
  • May support lung health
  • Supports healthy sleep habits
  • May aid healthy joints & cartilage
  • High concentrations of polysaccharides
  • May provide adrenal support
  • May support ATP production
  • May aid healthy kidney function

Constituents of Cordyceps include:

  • Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium
  • Vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin K
  • Amino Acids: Cysteic Acid, Aspartic Acid, Methionine, Threonine, Serine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Lysine, Histidine, Arginine
  • Fatty Acids: Palmitic Acid, Palmitoleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Linolenic Acid
  • Phytochemicals: Nucleosides, Cordycepin, Adenosine, Polysaccharides, Exopolysaccharide Fraction, Acid Polysaccharide, CPS-1, CPS-2, Sterols
  • Nucleobases: Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine, Adenine, Guanine, Hypoxanthine,
  • Nucleotides: Uridine-5-Monophosphate, Adenosine-5-Monophosphate, Guanosine-5-Monophosphate
  • Peptides: Cordymin, Cordycedipeptide A, Cordyceamides A & B

This product is 100% natural and minimally processed. Taste, smell, texture, and color may vary from batch to batch.

Typical smell and flavor profile: Cordyceps mushroom extract powder has a similar smell and taste to raw cacao powder. Keep in mind the smell and taste of the extract is much different from that of the whole cordyceps mushroom powder (non-extract) which has a mild nutty flavor, with a hint of earthiness.

Common appearance and texture: Medium brown color and texture similar to raw cacao powder. Please note the extract has a darker color than that of the non-extract which is more of a light tan color.

Suggested Use: Take 1 teaspoon twice daily. Sprinkle on entrees, soups, salads or add to smoothies or teas.

Mixing Suggestion: To increase flavor and nutritional profile combine with our cacao powder. Or mix with astragalus root, fo-ti root, and lucuma powder.  

Botanical Name: Cordyceps Sinensis.

Common Names: Deer Fungus, Semitake, JinShuBao, Caterpillar Fungus, Dong Chong Xia Cao Tochukas, Chongcao, Deer Fungus Parasite, club head, yartsa gunbu, winter worm, summer grass.

Parts Used: Cordyceps mushroom mycelia.

Ingredients: Cordyceps Mushroom Extract.


El hongo Cordyceps ganó fama cuando los atletas olímpicos chinos en 1992 acreditaron sus éxitos al tomar el hongo. En la medicina tradicional china, el hongo Cordyceps se promociona como una hierba eficaz para favorecer una circulación y una respiración sanas, y para apoyar una respuesta saludable del sistema inmunológico. Debido a su capacidad para apoyar posiblemente niveles saludables de energía y resistencia, también ha sido clasificado como un tónico para la salud general. El Cordyceps puede apoyar la función glandular y pulmonar saludable, lo que puede conducir a una alergia saludable y a una respuesta del sistema inmunológico. Tradicionalmente lo utilizan las personas que se sienten sin aliento, doloridas o deprimidas por el exceso de trabajo, la contaminación y los malos hábitos alimenticios.

En la medicina tradicional china, el cordyceps se utiliza para los meridianos de los riñones y los pulmones. Los cordyceps también aumentan los niveles de antioxidantes naturales y se habla de ellos en los antiguos textos chinos para posiblemente promover la longevidad. Este hongo también puede apoyar la producción saludable de ATP en las células humanas, lo que posiblemente podría aumentar los niveles de energía en aquellos que lo toman. Es especialmente bueno para las personas que participan en el atletismo o disfrutan de deportes y actividades vigorosas. Los atletas que utilizaron Cordyceps en sus programas de entrenamiento sorprendieron a todos, incluyendo a las autoridades deportivas, cuando rompieron el récord mundial de 10.000 metros en 1993 y rompieron docenas de récords mundiales en sólo un año.

Los Cordyceps son conocidos tradicionalmente por apoyar los niveles saludables de "resistencia". En la medicina tradicional china, los cordyceps son conocidos por su capacidad yin y yang y por su fuerte tónico yang que puede reforzar el canal renal. Se han realizado muchos estudios e investigaciones que muestran los resultados de los cordyceps y su capacidad para apoyar posiblemente la salud general del hombre.

Los cordyceps también han mostrado una capacidad de apoyar la salud cardiovascular a través de una capacidad de apoyar los niveles saludables de lípidos. Esta acción puede favorecer una circulación sana y, a su vez, favorecer un cerebro y un corazón sanos. Se han realizado ensayos clínicos e investigaciones que demuestran que las personas que sufren problemas de salud cardíaca pueden ser capaces de recuperarse sorprendentemente y comenzar una curación progresiva mientras toman cordyceps junto con los productos farmacéuticos recetados por su médico.

En la MTC se ha hecho referencia a los riñones como "la raíz de la vida" y se han utilizado los cordyceps para apoyar posiblemente una función renal saludable. Investigaciones médicas recientes han verificado que los cordyceps son de apoyo a los riñones mientras que pueden ayudar a mejorar su capacidad operativa. Los pacientes que han recibido riñones han tomado cordyceps y los han encontrado muy efectivos para ayudar en los procesos de curación.

Hay una salvedad cuando se usan los Cordyceps para el soporte de los riñones; sólo se debe hacer bajo la guía de un profesional médico.

Los cordyceps han sido tradicionalmente una forma de hacer el cuerpo más fuerte y construir su constitución. Los Cordyceps pueden ayudar al desarrollo de células inmunes sanas dentro de su sistema. Pueden actuar como un extraordinario regulador de la inmunidad, ya que apoyan la producción de células inmunes de bajo rendimiento y calman a los tipos hiperactivos. En China, los investigadores han estado investigando la capacidad de los cordyceps para restringir las células cancerosas. Esta investigación aún no ha sido verificada por la FDA.

Algunos posibles usos tradicionales de nuestro polvo de extracto de hongo de Cordyceps pueden incluir:

Puede apoyar la absorción de oxígeno hasta en un 40%
Puede apoyar una circulación sanguínea saludable
Puede apoyar una respuesta saludable del sistema nervioso en momentos de alto estrés
Puede apoyar los niveles saludables de lípidos
Puede apoyar una respuesta saludable del sistema inmunológico
Apoya la resistencia y los niveles de resistencia saludables
Aumentar el nivel de actividad de la superóxido dismutasa o SOD
Puede ayudar a la capacidad del cuerpo para combatir las infecciones
Puede apoyar la salud cardiovascular
Puede apoyar la salud pulmonar
Apoya los hábitos de sueño saludables
Puede ayudar a las articulaciones y cartílagos sanos
Altas concentraciones de polisacáridos
Puede proporcionar apoyo a las glándulas suprarrenales
Puede apoyar la producción de ATP
Puede ayudar a la función renal saludable

Los componentes de Cordyceps incluyen:

Minerales: Calcio, hierro, magnesio, potasio, zinc, cobre, manganeso y selenio.
Vitaminas: Tiamina, Riboflavina, Vitamina B-6, Vitamina B12, Vitamina E, Vitamina K
Aminoácidos: Ácido cisteico, ácido aspártico, metionina, treonina, serina, ácido glutámico, prolina, glicina, alanina, valina, isoleucina, leucina, tirosina, fenilalanina, lisina, histidina y arginina.
Ácidos grasos: Ácido palmítico, ácido palmitoleico, ácido esteárico, ácido oleico, ácido linoleico, ácido linolénico
Fitoquímicos: Nucleósidos, Cordycepina, Adenosina, Polisacáridos, Fracción de Exopolisacáridos, Polisacárido Ácido, CPS-1, CPS-2, Esteroles
Nucleobases: Citosina, Uracilo, Timina, Adenina, Guanina, Hipoxantina,
Nucleótidos: Oridina-5-Monofosfato, Adenosina-5-Monofosfato, Guanosina-5-Monofosfato
Péptidos: Cordymin, Cordycedipeptide A, Cordyceamides A & B

Este producto es 100% natural y mínimamente procesado. El sabor, el olor, la textura y el color pueden variar de un lote a otro.

Perfil típico de olor y sabor: El polvo de extracto de hongo de Cordyceps tiene un similar

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