
Pau d Arco Bark Powder - Lapecho en Polvo

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Pau d'Arco is the inner bark of a tropical tree native to Central and South America. The tea brewed from this species is commonly referred to as Lapacho or Taheebo and contains lapachol, quercetin and flavonoids. Like cat’s claw, pau d’arco tincture should be taken in water with a little lemon juice so tannins can be absorbed through the colon. Our bulk pau d'arco is kosher certified and non-irradiated.

Product Features

The pau d’arco tree is a huge canopy tree that grows up to 125 feet high, with pink to violet colored flowers. Its history of use is thought to go back to the Incas, and several tribes have been using it to make bows for centuries. Several native names in fact mean “bow stick” or “bow stem”.


To prepare as a tea, pour 8 oz. boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of herb. Cover and steep for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and serve immediately.


El árbol pau d'arco es un enorme árbol de copa que crece hasta los 125 pies de altura, con flores de color rosa a violeta. Se cree que su historia de uso se remonta a los incas, y varias tribus lo han usado para hacer arcos durante siglos. De hecho, varios nombres nativos significan "palo de arco" o "tallo de arco".


Para prepararlo como un té, vierta 8 onzas de agua hirviendo sobre 1 o 2 cucharaditas de hierba. Cúbralo y déjelo reposar de 5 a 10 minutos, cuélelo y sírvalo inmediatamente.

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